Major League Hacking 2022 Hackathon Season

register now

become a mentor

day-of site


What is HackTX?
HackTX is an annual hackathon at the University of Texas at Austin. A hackathon is simply a space for students of any major to come together and come up with creative solutions using technology. They are a place to learn, to meet others, and to innovate. We design our hackathons to be beginner-friendly and will have plenty of mentors and workshops to guide you!
Who are the Freetail Hackers?
We're a group of UT Austin students who love bringing students who are passionate about inspiring others, learning new skills, and being involved in the hackathon and tech communities. We love organizing hackathons and having fun together while doing so! If this sounds like a good fit for you, you should apply to join our team when applications open in December. Applications will be posted on our Facebook page. Need to reach out to us for any further questions or want to work with us for the next event? Email us at [email protected]!


10:00 AM - Breakfast is Served (GDC atrium)

Come join us for breakfast if you are attending in-person :)

11:00 AM - Opening Ceremony (GDC 2.216)

Join us as we kick off our event with some general information and resources to guide you throughout the weekend.

11:30 AM - Intro to Git (GDC 5.302)

Learn how to use a system to keep track of your code changes and collaborate on software development.

11:30 PM - Hacking Starts

Go go go!

12:30 PM - Intro to Python (GDC 5.302)

Let’s learn how to code in Python! Beginner friendly, assumes no prior coding experience :)

1:00 PM - Team Matching

Don't have a team? We gotchu

1:00 PM - Talk w/ Ploomber

Tune in here

2:00 PM - MLH Talk

Tune in here

3:00 PM - Hackathon Olympics (GDC Courtyard)

Join us for some exciting in-person games

4:30 PM - How to Recruit (GDC 5.302)

Learn how to recruit for technical internships and full time positions.

6:00 PM - Dinner (GDC Atrium)

7:00 PM - Virtual Game Night!

Join us here

8:00 PM - Resume Reviews (GDC 5.302)

Feel free to hop in and get help with your project, resume, submission, or anything else

9:00 PM - Smash Bros Ultimate Tourney (GDC 5.302)

Enough said.

11:00 AM - Office Hours (GDC 5.302)

Come join us for breakfast if you are attending in-person :)

12:00 PM - Hacking Ends

Time to submit your projects!

12:00 PM - Lunch

Come join us for lunch if you are attending in-person :)

1:00 PM - Judging Starts

Time to see what y'all made!

3:00 PM - Judging Ends

Wow those were some cool projects.

4:00 PM - Closing Ceremony (GDC 2.216)

Thanks for coming y'all!

To embrace inclusivity, all participants are expected to follow the MLH Code of Conduct to facilitate a safe space and a positive hackathon experience for everyone!
Who Can Attend?
The event is open anyone! This includes high-schoolers, undergraduate and graduate students from other universities. All levels of experience and all majors are welcome! Beginner? No problem! We'll have mentors and workshops to help you develop new skills. All you need to come in with is a desire to create. Interested in learning something new? We'll have plenty of people to help teach you how to make an impact right from your own desk!

How do teams work?

Teams can be up to 5 members. If you don't have a team, don’t worry! Joining a team of new friends is the best part of a hackathon. We will have team matching available for everyone on the day of the event, but if you would like to message our channel and create a team beforehand, that's okay too! We will have a spreadsheet to fill out and confirm team information.

What format will HackTX 2021 be in?

Currently, we are planning for a hybrid format where all participants will get the same access to workshops, mentors, and sponsors and students on UT Austin’s campus will get access to some in-person benefits such as food. As the Covid-19 situation is quickly changing, we will continue to keep you posted if anything changes.

How do I volunteer?

We are always looking for mentors to answer student questions or workshop suggestions. If you want to help out at our event, shoot us an email at [email protected]!

How much money will this cost me?

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Gratis. It's free. Freetail Hackers will provide all students with mentors, tech talks, and prizes!

Any rules?

All work must be done during the 24-hour period of the event. You can't demo something you didn't build. Don't talk about Fight Club. All attendees (hackers, supporters, mentors, volunteers, etc.) must abide by the MLH Code of Conduct.

When is HackTX?

HackTX 2021 will be October 30th-October 31st

When does registration close?


Will there be prizes?

Yes! We plan to give prizes to the top 3 placing teams. More info to come.